Advance Directive - Living Will

What do I need to know about a DNR, Advance Directive for Health Care
or a Living Will?

  • Discuss your wishes at length regarding this important issue with your family members.
    These conversations and documents do not have to be done in a lawyer's office, but can occur around the kitchen table or in the family room, during calm times, not in the midst of a healthcare crisis.
  • Living Wills, a healthcare power of attorney - all forms of advance directives - are critically important. We owe it to those we love to record our personal wishes and preferences should we be faced with tragic health-care circumstances in our lives.
  • Obtain an Oklahoma DNR and/or Advance Directive or Living Will form by downloading or contacting Hospice of Green Country at (918) 747-2273. When completing the form, be sure the two people who serve as official witnesses are of legal age and do not stand to benefit in any way from the signer's death. Advance Directive -Download PDF file here. (Spanish version: download here). DNR - Download PDF file here.
  • Once completed, make sure you distribute the Advance Directive among your family members, physician, health-care proxy, other health-care providers and attorney.
  • We must talk now about our wishes should we not be able to speak for ourselves later. This will enable our families and healthcare providers to act with our wishes directing them, should that ever be necessary.